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標題: [汽車] Team Yoshiki & Dome Project 2009 (2005 NSX TAMIYA)
Rank: 1

UID 36794
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積分 6
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註冊 2010-3-31
狀態 離線
發表於 2016-11-16 03:38 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Team Yoshiki & Dome Project 2009 (2005 NSX TAMIYA)

Team Yoshiki & Dome Project 2009 (2005 NSX TAMIYA)

Sorry to say I really have no interest in NSX whatsoever (I like Senna tho, he tuned the 1st model of NSX).

I only do this because I am a big fan on the JP rock band called X Japan.

I have used 2 of the NSX model to complete this project, the 1st one failed because at that time I can only print the decal myself using pics from internet. The problem is the "White" colour on self printed decal could not come out nicely.

I gave up the model for a few years and suddenly Studio 27 issue this special "Team Yoshiki" decal.

That's why the model here is 2005 NSX instead of 2009 NSX in reality.

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rlb   2017-4-22 10:06 PM  讚好  +1   一流作品
zippy   2017-1-9 12:08 PM  讚好  +1   不俗之作
fathung2001hk   2017-1-4 12:28 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
牛油手   2016-11-28 04:19 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
JACKEYFUNG   2016-11-17 07:19 PM  讚好  +1   不俗之作
cpk   2016-11-17 05:21 PM  讚好  +1   佳作
風中追風   2016-11-17 04:36 PM  讚好  +1   佳作
3keith   2016-11-17 10:21 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
ae1351   2016-11-17 01:52 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
wilsonsiu   2016-11-16 08:43 PM  讚好  +1   上色一流
raylee6780   2016-11-16 08:22 PM  讚好  +1   不俗之作
leefatkeung   2016-11-16 07:44 PM  讚好  +1   佳作
markko   2016-11-16 07:38 PM  讚好  +1   不俗之作

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