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標題: [五星] Auge
Rank: 1

UID 4951
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註冊 2005-9-24
來自 Hong Kong
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發表於 2011-2-28 11:11 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

Brought in 1998 from the Volks Mechanical Moving series
I saw the Auge at Wonderful Festival this year, it was very beautiful. It reminds me of this old kit brought long time ago at Wan Chai. At that time, Mechanical Moving Series is very popular, this one is realize right after Bang Doll, after that there’s a series of LED realize too. This kit can made lots of charming movement, the two big shell can be taken off and its articulation is great, it can even lean down!!

This kit use some special joint made from Volks which is quite special, one cylindrical shape with two ball joints at both ends.
If you use a fake joint, all the hands and leg will be very loosen and the whole body will fall down. Also, I don't satisfy with the colour I painted, so I give it up that time.

Now is different, there are lot of resources, special paint, magnet, special joint and information. It time Auge to be awake. The 關節技 has strengthen it (hips), and I brought the original Volks joint in Japan couple years ago (but there's only skin colour available, not the grey colour I want) also make the shoulder possible to hold in place.

Well, the new kit just ignite me to finish this old kit, hope I can finish it soon.

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Rank: 2

UID 586
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註冊 1970-1-1
來自 Sydney
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-2-28 11:23 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友  ICQ 狀態
add oil....   support FSS

I have recently bought this kit too (MM series)......can you share some of the hint / tips of building this kit?   

Is the joint provided not strong enough for the hips area?  have to buy 關節技 to strengthen it?

More details on modification part would be much appreciated

Rank: 1

UID 4951
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積分 4
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成品數目 4 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-9-24
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-2-28 11:35 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
GP01, do you have the original Volks joint?
If you do, not much strengthen work required.
If you don't, the shoulder require a double joint in a very small area, and the big shell will be put on top of it, this is the part I fail last time. A rod type joint might be a better choice for connecting the shoulder part to the body if you need to remake a joint.

However, the angle and the hips are the greatest weak point, use 關節技 seems like a better choice

Rank: 3Rank: 3

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發表於 2011-2-28 11:36 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Five Star original cast kit all along is too expensive to me, I have  brought some copy kits but seldom finish a single kit as I still consider I may not have the skill to do so.

Hope to see your finished works.

Rank: 2

UID 586
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閱讀權限 10
註冊 1970-1-1
來自 Sydney
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-2-28 12:02 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  ICQ 狀態
Joe, thx for your suggestion and comments....

I got the original Volks kit (it was on sale a few weeks ago, very affordable).

Even though I know the HSGK version will be released soon, still too cheap not to buy it.....(HSGK version is too expensive for me).

I was also concerned the hips and shoulder joint area after receiving the kit, given its size and weight of the upper body.  

In fact, the MM's problem always on the hips area, unless you want to forgo its "movable" feature.....關節技 may be the best solution for it.

Rank: 1

UID 4951
精華 0
積分 4
帖子 109
成品數目 4 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-9-24
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-3-1 07:40 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Time to put on the heavy shell!!

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Rank: 1

UID 4951
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積分 4
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成品數目 4 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-9-24
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-3-2 12:13 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
simmonelai, I saw your works; they are all very nice. A very special way of using hand paint
GP01, hope to see you start your original G.kit.

I am thinking about how to repaint the kit

Rank: 1

UID 4951
精華 0
積分 4
帖子 109
成品數目 4 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-9-24
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-3-2 09:29 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
There are two types of foot available
Normal one &
High heel
The look is different from the recent one made by 平井興冶.
The chest armor is different. And the leg of the recent one seems bigger and longer than this.

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Rank: 2

UID 586
精華 0
積分 8
帖子 454
成品數目 8 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 1970-1-1
來自 Sydney
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-3-4 09:25 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友  ICQ 狀態
This old version still look good, but the new version is better ....

However, I heard that the new version doesn't come with the high heel parts.....I like the high heel a lot

Rank: 2

UID 15965
精華 0
積分 7
帖子 255
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2006-12-1
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-3-6 02:01 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
I have this kit too. The original VOLKS kit. It is amazing for the design and I am attracted by the  high heel parts too. The latest version seems having more details but the look is not as good as this kid (my personal opinions). But any way, you really did a good job and I am looking forward your finished kit!!
Moreover, I want to know if it is better to change the joins to 關節技?


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