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標題: [其他] Miniatures ~ Adepta Sororitas Arco-Flagellants
Rank: 4

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UID 39141
精華 1
積分 378
帖子 4703
成品數目 378 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2010-5-2
來自 HK
狀態 離線
發表於 2020-8-15 01:15 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Miniatures ~ Adepta Sororitas Arco-Flagellants

PS: it seems somebody can't see the images from flickr no matter any method, so if you have same problem, please visit my Flickr directly

上週的黑人近攻隊很難得有人留言討論,但好像被看似繁複的步驟嚇到了?其實熟能生巧,油了幾次便能自然而然的找到自己的節奏,也就不會覺得步驟極多了,基本上一小隊油上五晚便能連底盤都完成了。上週油了黑人,這週便油病人吧。就這樣 2020 年第三十二作 (累計上色成品第 一 九 四 號) 起行了。

Miniatures ~ Adepta Sororitas Arco-Flagellants

上回的 Repentia Squad 是修女的特有部隊,今回的 Arco-Flagellants 也是sisters 的特殊部隊,看看他/她們的膚色、義肢化的手腳可能也猜到這些都是長年不見天日的受刑人,到戰時便押出來送死?因這盒 box-set 只有三隻罪人,所以多加了兩隻拿火槍、雙槍的修女一齊油了。

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[ 本帖最後由 ygat 於 2020-8-15 01:16 PM 編輯 ]

ngszewai   2020-8-16 09:30 PM  讚好  +1   佳作
robotkel   2020-8-16 01:42 PM  讚好  +1   佳作
SC   2020-8-15 09:16 PM  讚好  +1   上色一流
YMM   2020-8-15 08:50 PM  讚好  +1   佳作

Rank: 4

熱誠勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章  
UID 39141
精華 1
積分 378
帖子 4703
成品數目 378 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2010-5-2
來自 HK
狀態 離線
發表於 2020-8-16 10:38 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
回復 #2 ngszewai 的帖子

these are chess [for wargaming, i.e. much expensive version of 戰國風雲], about the size, check the photo:

official website:


however, i only enjoy painting, haven't roll the dice / play the board game
so you may say it is figure in 'mini' scale  

painting chess not as difficult and spending time as you think.

about five steps in five night is enough [around 2 hrs per night]:
0. preparing the parts, remove the join lines, wash it, grout the gaps;
i. paint the primer, base colors;
ii. paint the major color scheme;
iii. paint the colors and touch up, then shade it;
iv. paint the details, extra small parts, e.g. eye, gun, amulet, etc. and paint the base dish with texture materials;
v. final touch up, paint the base dish color scheme.

however, it may need more time to learn and practice the skills.

you feel fast is because i only need a cup of clean water to wash the brush [after each color],
no need to set up or restore the working desk, a corner [A2-size mat] of table is enough to enjoy my hobby la

[ 本帖最後由 ygat 於 2020-8-17 09:36 PM 編輯 ]


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