chapmanlau1992 於 7/29/2008 16:38 發表
先謝謝你耐心的回覆. 我睇得出你好想教小弟先打咁大段野出黎
我都係依到作出小小交流, 不過可能係錯的技巧
你話Cement is more important then AA Gule... 無錯, 模型膠水的強度係比起aa膠強得多.AA Gule act as an extra hand, 但只要個兩件你想痴的件接觸面係大的, aa膠的強度就有所提升.接觸面的大細取決於兩件件的pei口齊唔齊同平唔平.
所以我用左畢地, 畢地可以增加兩件件的接觸面, 使到aa膠強度有保證. 而且畢地加aa膠的一個好處就係比較容易控制, 做bb, 件又細, 所以模型膠水好容易係塗的時候流去D detail位, 燒毀D detail. 畢地加aa膠就唔會....你塗膠水都係要等一兩日, 點解唔用畢地加aa膠.
畢地重可以塗多D, 再加aa膠係佢上面, 等佢dry左就可以磨, 當ab畢地咁用.
就係因為我要等所有畢地dry左先可以打磨, 所以我張改造, 打磨分得咁清....
原帖由 LifeAfterDeath 於 2008-7-29 02:32 PM 發表
Putty is able to fil up the gap but on the other hand is also work like Cement... so that is why I don't think is a good idea to add too much putty on the model, this will make the plastic become really soft and unable to hold the parts if u don't wait it completely dry first...
因為畢地同模型膠水都有同一樣成分吧.....所以我用畢地, 都係個句, 容易控制...
我又係到亂up野- -
first of all... for your picture u upload... that is a simple way to fix it...
P.S. if u can please get this book "NOMO KEN 野本憲一"