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標題: [Miniatures] Tyranid Termagants
Rank: 4

熱誠勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章   熱讚榜勳章  
UID 39141
精華 1
積分 390
帖子 4915
成品數目 390 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2010-5-2
來自 HK
狀態 離線
發表於 2024-3-29 07:21 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[Miniatures] Tyranid Termagants

PS: it seems somebody can't see the images from flickr no matter any method, so if you have same problem, please visit my Flickr directly
https://www.flickr.com/photos/14 ... 699874990884/page40

In the past, GW boxset is attractive and in reasonable price, but same as its other current products: list price raised too much. If you only want that one of special new miniature in boxset, two years before you could wait it sell alone. However, Greedy GW develops terrible way to treat customers, that special new miniatures still will be published 2~3 seasons later, but only through GW online shop, i.e. in high price + postage... Thus, i might give up GW miniatures soon. Tyranids not my favorite faction in 40K. I only like its queen (Tervigon), that why buy some babies (Termagants) for her. This boxset included 20 Termagants, so practice painting on ten of them. 就這樣 2024 年第十四作 (累計上色成品第 三 六 八 號) 入櫃了。

Tyranid Termagants

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[ 本帖最後由 ygat 於 2024-3-29 10:39 PM 編輯 ]

YMM   2024-4-12 12:33 AM  讚好  +1   上色一流
dilaton   2024-4-4 06:14 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
mark2   2024-3-31 08:51 AM  讚好  +1   佳作
robotkel   2024-3-29 10:39 PM  讚好  +1   佳作


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