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標題: [汽車] Revell F2007 Chinese GP
Rank: 4

UID 16950
精華 0
積分 3
帖子 4636
成品數目 3 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-4-17
來自 大天使號...
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-12 07:21 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 =鋼= 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 =鋼= 交談

原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-12 04:34 AM 發表

我又何嘗唔係敢死隊! 前一排我開咗部 ATM 67 impala, 車身都算ok, 個底盤簡直就係
不過可能就係因爲冇壓力我成年幾都冇成品~ ><
真係要好似 joey 咁 的起心肝先得.



Fujifilm Finepix X10
Canon EOS 450D
Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS
Canon EFS 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 IS
Canon EFS 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 16994
精華 1
積分 2
帖子 615
成品數目 2 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-4-24
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-14 03:32 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[quote]原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-12 04:23 AM 發表


Hows it goin mate? havent seen u for a while.

Thanks for your comment on the color, after spraying it, i do realize its not the same as the original, but thats probably as close as i can get using spray can. so im pretty happy with it. also, i think this color is really beautiful, i might rate it along side with pearl white, i might try this on another car someday, but maybe spray a thicker layer of clear red to create a darker sort of wind red color. hehe.

what r u working on lately mate?

have a nice day and wish me luck for my finals exam ><


Hi,  Alex,  

  Im still busy lately for my job, and also busy for 鯁魚骨, poor me ! Im scared and painful , at the beinining, I tried to eat drugs hope can be cured, but it didnt work, at last, I had to go to

hospital and see the doctor, after primary check, X-ray report showed something stuck in my throat, may be real or only a shadow,  for satety, they recommended me to take a gastroscope-

check up, I almost fainted after hearing that,  you know, its very painful to put the shower hose-like into the throat, had a strong feeling of vomit. after checking, there's nothing but some

scratches in my throat, it happened over 3 weeks ago, now feel better !!  I think nightmare is over !!!

  Hey, Alex boy, when will you buy one set of spray work for painting ??  dont waste your talent !!

Finally, wish you good luck for yr final exam, hv any confidence to pass them all and even get high marks for all sujbects  ??!!

Off- topic,  have you already get what you want to get ??!!    u know what Im saying ??    hehehehehehe ......   !!

Have a lovely day   !!  

Bye Bye !!

Rank: 4

UID 7071
精華 1
積分 9
帖子 5687
成品數目 9 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2006-1-7
來自 Kowloon
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-14 03:34 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 AMG 於 2008-11-14 03:32 AM 發表
[quote]原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-12 04:23 AM 發表


Hows it goin mate? havent seen u for a while.

Thanks for your comment on the ...

Brother AMG, poor you. Anyway, nightmare is over and let enjoy building model again

Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 16994
精華 1
積分 2
帖子 615
成品數目 2 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-4-24
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-14 03:41 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 winstonm3bmw 於 2008-11-14 03:34 AM 發表

Brother AMG, poor you. Anyway, nightmare is over and let enjoy building model again

Hi,  Winston,    how are you,

   Thanks for your concern with my heart, hope yr perfect M3 body can be finished soon !!!!   right !!

Bye Bye !!

Rank: 4

UID 3899
精華 0
積分 7
帖子 4961
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-8-24
來自 sydney
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-16 10:48 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 Alex_xelA 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 Alex_xelA 交談

原帖由 獅象 於 2008-11-12 12:47 PM 發表
我只得中五學歷, 一早就好後悔年青時唔珍惜有書讀的 "福氣". 書到用時方恨少, 係千真萬確. 請努力考好個試, 便可繼續盡情享受砌你心愛的模型

i understand geh~ i will study hard gah lah~~

原帖由 homanchim 於 2008-11-12 01:32 PM 發表


我地中三已經學左少少thermodynamics 同 heat transfer......真係好難明

thermal is a b!tch...... totaly un-understand-able.....

原帖由 szewingyin 於 2008-11-12 02:17 PM 發表
add oil..  i ended up studying mechanical engineering for my undergrad and did 4 years of that stuff (thermodynamics)...
even managed to fail a 3rd year thermo course...

can't believe ...

haha im not in hisgschool wor~ im in uni.

原帖由 tong 於 2008-11-12 04:57 PM 發表

無wo,覺得好好玩 系我最喜歡的兩科

hahaha~ ok, if i have any question about these course i'll come ask u then =P

原帖由 ☆斗市民 於 2008-11-12 12:55 PM 發表
而家先留意倒, 個紅色係一個非常好o旣參考, 又可以偷師啦.

thanks mate~

原帖由 withoutr 於 2008-11-12 02:23 PM 發表



其实revell 都唔係咁差姐~ 我覺得呢部ok喔~

原帖由 =鋼= 於 2008-11-12 07:21 PM 發表


我敢死姐~ 但係都唔會沖去送死既~

Back...... hopefully......
Rank: 4

UID 3899
精華 0
積分 7
帖子 4961
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-8-24
來自 sydney
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-16 10:53 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 Alex_xelA 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 Alex_xelA 交談

原帖由 AMG 於 2008-11-14 03:32 AM 發表
Hi,  Alex,  

  Im still busy lately for my job, and also busy for 鯁魚骨, poor me ! Im scared and painful , at the beinining, I tried to eat drugs hope can be cured, but it didnt work, at last, I had to go to

hospital and see the doctor, after primary check, X-ray report showed something stuck in my throat, may be real or only a shadow,  for satety, they recommended me to take a gastroscope-

check up, I almost fainted after hearing that,  you know, its very painful to put the shower hose-like into the throat, had a strong feeling of vomit. after checking, there's nothing but some

scratches in my throat, it happened over 3 weeks ago, now feel better !!  I think nightmare is over !!!

  Hey, Alex boy, when will you buy one set of spray work for painting ??  dont waste your talent !!

Finally, wish you good luck for yr final exam, hv any confidence to pass them all and even get high marks for all sujbects  ??!!

Off- topic,  have you already get what you want to get ??!!    u know what Im saying ??    hehehehehehe ......   !!

Have a lovely day   !!  

Bye Bye !!


good to hear that you got better from the incedent, lets hope it never happen again and u fully recover from this soon.

about the spray work, i should get it when i'm back in hk, im still contemplating tho, its either a phone or a spray set..... hmmmm decision decision

thanks for your welll wishes, i have already finish all my exam, i finished them on friday night, and that night went out and got drunk... haha great start to a 4 month holiday.

about what i want to get, hmmm been busy with study so i havent tried..... but now its the holiday.... got a few targets lined up and ready to go, wish me luck bro~ ahahaha

have a nice day and take care


Back...... hopefully......
Rank: 5Rank: 5

熱誠勳章   毅力勳章   熱讚榜勳章  
UID 779
精華 8
積分 100
帖子 14004
成品數目 100 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2004-10-5
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-16 11:51 AM  資料  主頁 短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-16 10:53 AM 發表


good to hear that you got better from the incedent, lets hope it never happen again and u fully recover from this soon.

about the spray work, i should get it when i'm back in hk ...

"who" are on the lineup??

To be a good winner sometimes you have to be a good loser too. It doesn't mean you have to be very happy about it to be second or to lose but to give the enjoyment and pleasure for the driver who has won.
Rank: 4

UID 16950
精華 0
積分 3
帖子 4636
成品數目 3 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-4-17
來自 大天使號...
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-16 08:20 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 =鋼= 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 =鋼= 交談

原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-16 10:48 AM 發表
我敢死姐~ 但係都唔會沖去送死既~


Fujifilm Finepix X10
Canon EOS 450D
Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS
Canon EFS 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 IS
Canon EFS 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 16994
精華 1
積分 2
帖子 615
成品數目 2 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-4-24
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-11-22 04:13 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[quote]原帖由 Alex_xelA 於 2008-11-16 10:53 AM 發表 [url=http://www.hkml.net/Discuz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1273318&ptid=88996][/


good to hear that you got better from the incedent, lets hope it never happen again and u fully recover from this soon.

about the spray work, i should get it when i'm back in hk, im still contemplating tho, its either a phone or a spray set..... hmmmm decision decision

thanks for your welll wishes, i have already finish all my exam, i finished them on friday night, and that night went out and got drunk... haha great start to a 4 month holiday.

about what i want to get, hmmm been busy with study so i havent tried..... but now its the holiday.... got a few targets lined up and ready to go, wish me luck bro~ ahahaha

have a nice day and take care


HI,  Alex,   how are you,

  Firstly, thanks for your best wishes, may be fish is my 尅星 !!!  but its very funny, my star sign exactly is Pisces    !!

HaHa........now you're so 招積 lah , so many targets in your list, as you want : I wish you good luck my friend, no matter whom what you get, sincerity is everything !! right !!

You're very 幸福, got 4 month vacation, I also got it but only in my dream during sleeping !!

Finally, probably what time you back to HK ??  X'mas Eve or Chinese New Year ??

Have a lovely holiday and weekend !!         

Bye Bye !!


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