hahaha it looks good man~ maybe some team will consider this color for their caar.. haha
獅象 於 2008-10-12 06:52 PM 發表
贊成你的選擇 金色底 + 透明紅 好些! 不過小心透明紅的運用, 噴得越多浸透明顏色油會越深色, 亦要留意色澤的勻循度.
雙星 TS 系列噴罐係 lacquer 性質黎喎!!! 點解澳大利亞的模型店有入 TS 油, 而唔入 Mr. Colour lacquer 油呢 雙星回佣好些?
快些買噴筆和泵啦! 包保你會更上層樓, 長遠計一定比噴罐更化算!
yeh, some people already mention that i have to be very careful wit the application of clear red, especially for this very uneven surface. any tips one how to do it better??
and for the paint, im not sure what the reason is. there is tamiya can, my hobby can spray, i think they are both lacquer base?
but for the paint to put into airbrush and normal brush, theres only tamiya acrylic and enamel avaliable....... with a few exception in a chinese shop whick only stocked some matalic color for gundams..... so, if i do secide to buy the pump and airbrush, its gonna be difficult for me or get paint..... so have to consider this carefully. maybe order from hk, but dont know if u can post it.