johnnykut 於 2008-8-25 01:38 AM 發表
仲以為係上次"HUP"新仔添~~誤會左你,SORRY SIR
都係問多次,通常你 ...
this is another controversary similar to how many layers of clear coat to be appplied.
since every body have their own practise on spraying, the scale of thinner-to-paint, the pressure from the bump, the distance between the object and the air brush, the movement of the air brush during the spraying action, etc... almost everyone can use a different formula to achieve similar result for the same action, clear coating; not even to mention the way one polish the object and how long one wait for the clear coat to fully dry out and come solid.
so it really depends on experience to tell how to make a good finish.
even a bottle of GX100 can be used very differently between 2 builders.
just for an example, brother 刀鋒冷 mentioned once that he use more than a bottle of GX100 for a bike body, while in my own case, my first bottle of GX100 last almost 3 cars!
that really depends on how one mixes up his own formula to achieve the result.
moreover, it isn't wise to determind if the clear coat is thick enough with digital pic.
one can only GUESS how the paint hold and the feeling from visual picture just can't tell!
the extend to which the clear coat dry out and contract is subject to the way the paint is mixed and sprayed. afterall, it comes back to EXPERIENCE that really tell you if it is good enough.
本帖最後由 joey 於 2008-8-25 10:07 AM 編輯 ]